Die WollLust: Desire for fashion, wool, handmade & Co.

Effect Wool, Lace Yarns, Patterns & Accessories

Effect wool, cloth wool, sock wool and needlework from reputable manufacturers.

*** Silver lining ***

A new surprise every two or three days!
*** Pattern of the Week ***
25% discount on the cardigan *Iliana*
*** Selected Socks ***
Sock *Lyanna* - Sock *Gothix* - Sock *Rosanna*
*** Opal Regenwald 18 - The Expedition ***
Opal Regenwald 18 - inspired by the colours of exotic animals

*** Selected Socks ***
Sock *Yukiko* - Sock *Eirene* - Sock *Miharu*
*** New: Opal Beauty - Wellness ***
With extract of Edelweiss and Vitamin E - for special care even during knitting!

*** Selected Socks ***
Sock *Scala* - Sock *HappyDay* - Sock *Quasimo*
*** Selected Collections ***
*Socks in Motion* - *Socks LeftOver* - *Socks in Between*

*** Selected Shawls ***
Shawl *Lyanna* - Shawl *Visione* - Shawl *Vagabonda*
*** Selected Shawls ***
Shawl *Cleopatra* - Shawl *Sissi* - Shawl *Ilonka*

*** Subscription TücherRausch ***
With this subscription, you will receive monthly shawls and stoles.
Tuch *Sylvana* Tuch *Meliandra* Tuch *Skylla
» what happened so far ...
*** Subscription SockenLust ***
With this subscription, you will receive monthly patterns for socks.
Socke *Atrix* Socke *Euphoria* Socke *Hexa*
» what happened so far ...